What Is Periodontal Disease
Periodontal disease -koinos known as oulon- disease is a widespread health problem, which is estimated to affect more than half of the adult population af. The disease destroys healthy adhesion gum over the roots of the teeth, leading to inflammation of the gums, gum recession, loss of bone around the teeth and oral malodor. If left untreated will lead to tooth mobility, moving and ultimately loss of barrier.
Periodontics is the specialty that deals with the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of periodontal disease. The periodontist us possesses all the necessary training that allows him to rapidly diagnose and treat any signs of severe destruction of the gums in order to keep your natural teeth as possible.
Advanced periodontal disease often leads to multiple tooth loss and causes patients functional and aesthetic problems while an effect on the overall health and quality of life.
The implants precisely and more need the same attention and care as our natural teeth. In case of negligence by the patient – not good information – not early detection, microbial agents can cause a bacterial biofilm on the surface of the implant.
In many cases the periodontal treatment delivers results.
The best results we achieve with frequent visits-ante controls and scaling (cleaning).