
After over 25 years of documented studies the dental implantology is a speciality which gives perfectly safe-planned and long-term results.

The choise of the right surgeon and technicque-material, can provide solutions to many problems and in some occasions can radically change the life of the patient.

Dental implants are designed to provide ideal support for the placement of artificial teeth, which have the same feeling, and look like natural teeth. With dental implants, the patient had lost a tooth, regains the ability to eat, to feel and smiling with confidence, knowing that his teeth resemble naturally. In addition, the patient proceeds to restoration with implant maintains the natural line of his face, which is threatened by the progressive deterioration of the bone, as a result of the lost tooth. The “bonding” between the existing bone and the titanium (the material of which the majority of implants made) creates a strong foundation for an artificial tooth.

Important implant tips

  • The extraction of the tooth ideal has to be performed by the surgeon who will later complete the implant placement.
  • The placement of implant prostheses should be done by the surgeon who inserted the implant.
  • The work has to performed in an organized environment with solid protocols and follow up – maintenance.
  • The regeneration techniques should be done with recognized materials and implementation of proper technique.

Surgical times

Depending on the time of implant placement after loss of teeth or cogs techniques are modified to the needs of the patient.

  • Late Placement. (Standby after the loss)
  • Early placement (Soon after the loss)
  • Immediate Placement (In the same apointment, with the tooth extraction)

Bone growth techniques

In surgical implantology is necessary the treatment – procedures of bone regeneration with the use of graft to repair-regeneration the bone defect in the jaw. Depending on the case there is a suitable technique.


Our  clinic uses the following techniques.

Guided bone regeneration

The technique of guided bone regeneration take place simultaneously with implant placement. Laboratory sterile modified bone grafts repair and regenerate the bone damage. Spesific companies have certified all these years, their clinical results. It is the most common method currently in surgical implantology.

Autogenous bone

The autogenous graft is patient bone used usually from oral region. Is indicated for extensive bone defects  and provides the best clinical results according to the literature and to daily implantology. The technique takes place with a surgical procedure under local anaesthesia months before the implant placement

Sinus lift

In some cases prior implant placement in the maxilla we found that the bone in relation to the bottom cavity of the sinus does not have enough height to support the implant. Then we need to perform an operation that slightly changes the anatomy of the sinus and increases the height of the bone, the so-called sinus lift.

Soft tissue graft

The soft tissue graft is usually necessary in the front upper region. With the loss of bone the same happening with the soft tissue (gingiva). For biological and aesthetic reasons, we receive a soft tissue graft from the palate and tranfer it to the area of interest will significantly improve the final result.

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