What exactly is the Inman Aligner?
Inman Aligner is an alternative orthodontic treatment with braces, usually used in adults who have observed a shift of the teeth after an orthodontic treatment. They move easily and is extremely to flatten the anterior teeth.
How much does a course of an Inman Aligner?
The clinic offers us the Inman Aligner in a very affordable price. The cost of treatment can be discussed in a meeting in our office.
Where can I get my own Inman Aligner?
The clinic offers us a range of beauty treatments and general dentistry include the Inman Aligner. Contact us or visit our office.
How the Inman Aligner works?
Using a language and with a spring pressure and the anterior and posterior teeth, the Inman Aligner moves the teeth into the desired position. The dual pressure pushes the teeth move faster.
Why choose our clinic?
Our team is highly qualified and committed to providing you high quality treatment. Treatment with Inman Aligner is very competitive prices.
Is the Inman Aligner suitable for everyone?[spacer height=”20px”]
Treatment with Inman Aligner is designed to help correct adult teeth are moving experience or recurrence of previous orthodontic treatment usually in anterior teeth. Its use is limited to the front teeth.
How do I start treatment with Inman Aligner?
First contact with our office to make an appointment to discuss the Inman Aligner and options tou.Apo Beyond that we will be able to determine the results you want and recommend a comprehensive treatment plan. We need to get some fingerprints and photographs of your teeth that can design your own Inman Aligner treatment.
How long will treatment with Inman Aligner?
The total treatment takes about 6 to 18 weeks. The most rapid and lasting results are seen when the Inman Aligner worn approximately 22 hours a day during the treatment.
Can I eat and drink when you wear the Inman Aligner?
The Inman Aligner should be removed when eating, drinking or brushing your teeth.
Does Inman Aligner hearts?
Initially the Inman Aligner can be a bit uncomfortable as you try to get used to or you may encounter some difficulties in speaking.
I can clean my teeth effectively with the Inman Aligner?
The Inman Aligner is mobile machinery and should be removed before brushing. This means that there are additional difficulties in brushing teeth during treatment.