Dental implants have the same goal, to provide solutions for missing teeth in the process of improving the quality of a person’s life. However, the quality and the end result of all dental implants are not the same, and the differences are influenced by a set of parameters.
A main parameter that affects the quality of dental implants is the cost involved. In the world of dental implants usually involved reflect costs and high quality implants which are eager to try.
Looking at the various dental services offered to the implants, one can observe a variety of fluctuations in their prices. Knowing more about the factors that affect the cost would be vital to reach an appropriate choice if previously investigate the options offered us.
Cost is determined by the following:
• level of spesialization in implantology
• well known type of dental implant system
• adequate and modern equipment of the clinic
• the ability of the dental technician to simulate as much as possible the final crown -bridge or denture work.
Particular attention should be given to the choice of implant system to be selected initially. As the implant is essentially titanium screws placed directly onto the jaw, all the above parameters must be present for optimal results.
As the process involves not only one or more teeth and the bones of the jaw or even the entire face should be little to no compromise mention the quality of materials used and the level of the entire treatment plan.
The selection of a dental implant system is a critical choice because it can have a remarkable influence on a human life in the future.
We offer the Straumann implant system made in Swiss. Dr Konstantinos Loukas collaborate and using only the top end product from specific worldwide lasted implant companies. Doing that we try to minimise to zero the implant failures and complication and to provide a secure and safe medical product to our patients.
The Dr. Loukas is part of the largest international company ITI since 2008 and the clinic member of The leadingimplantwordcentres. You can see his resume here ..